Saturday, November 12, 2016

Gentleman's Agreement

I've been really mouthy on my personal Facebook page about the election, but not at all on my author page.
Kelly the author is like Switzerland,
although they are probably shit scarred right now too.
I'll just say I watched Gentleman's Agreement the other day on Netflix. Never seen it before.
If you don't know, it's about a reporter who passes himself off as Jewish to experience firsthand the prejudice and derision of his fellow mankind and womankind, in order to write a story.
I thought the bigotry would be watered down, but nothing was sugarcoated and no one was immune from scrutiny.
From a romance standpoint, I preferred Ann to Kathy.
On the story front, I found it frightening,
as if it might be our future rather than our past.
I'm also not sure how brave I'd be in a similar situation.
I don't really want to find out.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Accountant

What can I say about The Accountant?
I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
No clue what the movie was about when I went.
With that said, I enjoyed the show.
I'm not a big Ben (Big Ben *snort*) Affleck
(did I even spell it right?) fan.
I kind of prefer Casey Affleck in the brother department.
But I do sort of like shoot-em-up-kick-ass movies.
Anna Kendrick was a perfect and adorable choice.
I've always enjoyed Jon Bernthal,
and he did not disappoint in The Accountant.
There was a nice twist that I saw coming, but I could tell it was a surprise to other people in the theater.
And a second little twist I did not see coming, so it was the best of both worlds.
I enjoy figuring out a twist other folks don't see,
but I also like to be surprised by a clever twist.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Snow Job

Coming December 7th, 2016


 Natalie Duncan is caught off guard and on the road over the Christmas holiday by a blinding snowstorm. In an act of desperation, she picks up a hitchhiker along the mountain pass. When night closes in and the storm worsens, they take refuge in an abandoned cabin to wait out the blizzard. Russ Crew is instantly attracted to Natalie, but the gold band on her finger stops him from pursuing her. Natalie, a widow, is also drawn to him except the difference in their ages convinces her that he’s a nice guy simply being polite. Due in part to their desperate situation they form an emotional bond that soon turns physical. But once the snow melts, can they make a relationship work in the world outside their ramshackle cabin?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Light Between Two Oceans

I went to see The Light Between Two Oceans. I love lighthouses. I love the ocean. I love historical movies. There's something about a simpler time that I find to be serene and calming. Not that I want to churn my own butter or pluck the feathers off my dinner before cooking it. I enjoy my modern conveinences - the ones I can operate, at any rate.

This movie did not disappoint. The scenery was breathtaking. I enjoyed the costumes. And I love a romance. This had it all, but so much tragedy. Heartbreaking tragedy. I didn't always understand why the characters did what they did, which brought about all the tragedy. The ending was somewhat happy, but also sad or bittersweet.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Snow Job

I don't know what to say.
They gave me exactly what I asked for.
How often does that happen?
Coming soon!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Mind, Body & Spirit revisited

I know I haven't posted in awhile.
I AM still working on my Mind, Body & Spirit,
but mostly I've just been working TOO much
and not exercising enough.
My extravagent lifestyle (and my 401K) needs to be fed as well.
For fun I go on day hikes with my gal pals.
I AM writing sporadically.
And I am still Juicing.
I'm certain my insides are reaping the benefits.
To reinforce my healthy efforts I watched
For me it didn't pack the punch of the first documentary,
but worth watching.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Meat Your Maker

I love meat.
Sort of.
I have a love/hate relationship with meat.
Back in the day, that day being my high school days, I was a vegetarian for a time and a long distance runner. Quasi health nut.
I dislike the look of raw meat, which makes shopping for it difficult.
Anyhow, I knew watching Cowspiracy on Netflix would put me off eating meat.
So I put off watching it for quite some time.
That's how I roll. The documentary is eye opening, to say the least. And I am going to say the least, lest I meet (or meat) an untimely and accidental/or non-accidental death.
Watch it.
Judge for yourself.
I still eat meat - in moderation.
My first choice is usually to go meatless.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Oh, yeah, by the way, I re-released one of my favorite stories.
I know I'm the absolute worst at promoting my books. I'm not internet savvy. But here it is. And I think it's a bargain.
It's probably never been this price before.

This Side of Dead
Kelly Fitzpatrick
On Memorial Day weekend, Cecilia Denton hopped out of her boyfriend Brad’s car and leapt off a bridge. Far from suicidal herself, she did it to save a jumper, but she had no idea of the chain of events her heroic stunt would set in motion. Because Cecilia cheated the Grim Reaper, Death claimed her boyfriend instead. Now, Cecilia and Malcolm, the stranger whose life she saved, must go on a scavenger hunt of redemption. Either they prove to Death that there’s more to humans than greed and despair, or Death claims both Malcolm and Brad.
Malcolm Manchester didn’t ask to be saved, and he sure doesn’t want to be Cecilia’s partner in a game of Beat the Clock to restore Death’s faith in humanity. The heat is on Cecilia to give Malcolm a reason to live before time runs out—or send him off with a bang.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

New Outrage/Different Day

You should watch this documentary on Netflix if you get the chance. A whimsical look at a serious subject.
A trip to the grocery store is becoming like a life and death test I don't have time to study for.
I thought making a list and clipping coupons took a chunk of my pre-shopping day, now I hunt for organic fare I can't afford and scan the ingredients for words that have five or more syllables and were not in a dictionary fifty years ago because they didn't exist. Now I have to worry about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) that are not even disclosed on the products we eat.
I don't always pass on an item because of the toxins on the label, but I should be given the choice. Personally I think GMOs should be banned (they are in some countries).
So very few things in life are under our control. Shouldn't what we put into our body be the one decision we make for ourselves?

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Food, Inc.

What am I watching on Netflix?
This documentary has been on my To Watch List for quite some time, but I knew I wouldn't be able to eat beef, pork or poultry with a clear conscience after viewing it.
Today is a NO MEAT day for me, so I picked today to be brave and watch this documentary. What I didn't know was that fruits and vegetables are also in question.
Here is what I know, food that is bad for us is cheap. If it's healthy, the average person can't afford it. But can we afford not to eat healthy?
Cows are designed to eat grass, not corn. We were not engineered to eat high fructose corn syrup.
Watch Food, Inc.
I dare you.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jane Got A Gun

I hauled my butt down to the theater and saw Jane Got A Gun. And I do mean hauled my butt down to the theater, because I usually walk (but not this time because it would have been dark by the time the movie let out - so I really don't mean I hauled my butt down there - I drove).

I love historicals. I love westerns. I love romance. This was all three. Throw in a love triangle and some bad guys and I'm a happy camper. Plus I snacked on popcorn and M&Ms in the dark. I practically had the place to myself. Natalie Portman was a great heroine: devoted, determined and in distress. Joel Edgerton was definately hero material: troubled, handy with a weapon and still in love with the heroine. Edgerton has been in some movies I've never seen, so I was pleasantly surprised by his performance. I thought Noah Emmerich (who I've seen in many shows and movies) was an odd choice for Jane's husband, but as the story unfolded, he was the right man for the job. Ewan Mcgregor won himself a spot in the bad guy hall of fame as far as I'm concerned.

I won't spoil the ending. Let's just say I was satisfied.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hyde Park on Hudson

I just caught Hyde Park on Hudson with Bill Murray and Laura Linney on Netflix. My love of historicals is no secret. I loved the visuals, costumes, and sets.

At first I couldn't believe the debauchery of FDR, and took the movie for a work of fantasy. But then I did a little research. The internet is an amazing place. Decided maybe I was being judgemental. I guess everyone needs love, and just because I define love as between two people, doesn't mean everyone should. My knee-jerk reaction is FDR was a womanizer who used his powerful position to lure wide-eyed innocents to his bed.

That doesn't mean Bill Murray didn't make a sympathetic FDR. And Laura Linney a convincing Daisy. I didn't "get" the romantic connection between the two, him being, in my eyes, dull, and a bit of a sexual opportunist. Her being even duller, no opinions, no spunk. I'd say that's why he preyed on her. I felt her pain upon being betrayed, but then she accepts and embraces an alternative lifestyle. I'm not saying that's right or wrong. Relationships are complicated. But he seemed like a narcissist to me.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Countdown to Valentine's Day

I love love love Del and Jenna's short story. Didn't mind reading it again before uploading it to Amazon. So just in time for Valentine's Day, and with a new cover from Self-pub book covers, 

After a string of disastrous Valentine’s Days, broken hearts and failed relationships, Jenna’s decided to spend this Valentine’s Day in the least romantic spot possible—the coin-op laundry.  

No flowers. No candy. No annoying couples or romance of any kind. The only glitch in her plan is the leather-clad biker in heart-print boxer shorts who walks in as her washer starts. This just might turn out to be the best Valentine’s Day Jenna’s ever had.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Free For You And For Me...

I give you Lily In Wonderland.
I'm giving it to you.
For free.
But hurry before she's all gone.

Lily Tucker is down on her luck and considering a career strutting her stuff around a pole when she gets a call about an unexpected inheritance. It’s every girl’s dream—her estranged grandmother’s kicked the bucket, leaving Lily a house on a private island in Wonderland.

When she reaches Wonderland, though, she finds a house that’s more like a hovel, a job waiting tables at the local diner, and a crime wave that seems to begin and end with Lily herself. Sexy deputy Toby can’t decide if he should arrest her or drag her off to bed—until it becomes clear that Lily’s not the criminal. She’s the target.