Let me tell you what I've learned about eating right.
A) It's not easy.
B) I'm not very good at it.
C) I've still got a lot to learn.
Here's how I do it (but sometimes I don't do it - no one's perfect).
1) Eat fresh fruit and veggies (duh). Sometimes I do this in my juicer and drink them.
2) Read labels. Less is more, if you get my drift. If something has a loooooong list of ingrediants and some of those ingrediants you can't pronounce, don't eat it. I'm not advocating eating chips, but if you've got to have a chip, some chips have less chemicals and such that other chips...read the label.
3) I add good for me stuff to other stuff. Homemade granola to my yogurt, fruit and nuts to my salads, etc...
4) If it's cheap, it's probably not good for you. But just because it's expensive doesn't guarentee that it is good for you.
5) Chances are just because something says fat free, sugar free, low fat, diet, etc....doesn't make it good for you. It might make it even worse.
6) I try to eat something good for me before eating something potentially naughty (like carrots before cake, so maybe I will eat less cake - there are just some days that will be cake days, like at work for a retirement party or your grandmother's 100th birthday party).
7) Be prepared. I cut up celery or carrot sticks and put them in the fridge so I can just grab and go. I have a snack drawer at work with raw almonds or pretzels or popcorn. That way you'll be less likely to accept a candy bar from a friend or buy a donut on the way to work.
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