Saturday, September 26, 2015

In Your Face!

What I'm going to do with this banana peel might shock you. 
First of all, I didn't waste the banana inside the peel.
I ate half the banana and put the other half in my morning smoothie (but then accidentally left the smoothie at home and had to dump it later after it sat on the kitchen counter all day).
Okay, so I did waste half the banana.
In my defense, Facebook made me do this.
I rubbed the inside of the peel on my (clean) face. I waited 10 minutes (some sources say to leave it on 30 minutes or all night), and then washed it off.
Supposedly, it's a wrinkle reduced, skin brightener, acne fighter, moisturizer.
A banana peel is like a super hero.
Did it work?
The girls at work said yes, but perhaps they were humoring me.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Star Kissed

Star Kissed on Nook.

Hungry For Change

Change is scary. I know. But I'm going to give it a shot, working on my mind, body & spirit. You can come along for the ride. Here's where I'm starting. With my body. I urge you to check out the movie Hungry For Change. You can catch it on Netflix. I've watched it twice. I'll certainly watch it again and again and again until it sinks in.
My mind and spirit will be the real challenges, me being a neurotic agnostic and all. I'm going to have to fill up my spirit with music, laughter, friendship and nature. I'm not sure what we can do about my mind. I'll need to be creative there too.